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Summer Squash Recipes

I just wanted to share with you a few recipes I've been working on as of recent. Summer squash (yellow and green) is perfect right now and I've been trying to incorporate them in as many dishes as I can. It's crunch time in the Camblin household, in approximately 96 days I get married and I’m still rocking the winter hibernation bod. Instead of going on a ridiuclous crash diet I just try to make favorites a little more helthy (when I can). So, chose to do with these as you wish, but I will just say they are delicious.

Summer Squash Pesto Pizza

1 Tortilla shell or pizza dough of choice

3 tbsp pesto (store bought is fine)

1-2oz-goat cheese

1-2 mozzarella

1 1/2 cups of yellow or green squash (sliced)

Pinch of Parmesan

Pinch of sea salt and red pepper flakes

1) Pre-heat oven 425 degrees

2) Cover the tortilla shell or dough with pesto about a1/4 in from the edge. Add a layer of goat cheese, mozzarella and a little Parmesan.

3) Use a mandolin or veggies slicer to slice the squash into little discs about an 1/8th of an inch think. Works out to about half a normal sized squash.

4) Start in the middle of the pizza with a squash disc and slowly spiral it out until you hit the edge of the crust.

5) Hit with a pinch of sea salt, red pepper flake and Parmesan. Place in oven for 10-12 minutes.

6) Enjoy

Breakfast Squash Mini Quiche

Half a yellow or green squash

1oz goat cheese

1oz feta cheese

1oz Parmesan cheese

2 eggs

1-2 oz spinach (I use frozen but you can you fresh if you sauté first)

2 clove garlic (minced)

Half and onion

1 Serrano pepper

Optional: Artichoke hearts 1-2

Sea salt, pepper, Flavor God Lemon Garlic seasoning (lemon pepper and garlic power will work just as good)

1) Pre-heat oven 350 degrees

2) Grate Onion and Serrano pepper together. Heat oil in a pan and sauté until onion begins to caramelize.

3) Grate half of the squash into a mixing bowl. Squeeze moisture out with paper towel (Just use two paper towels and press down, you wont get it all out). Add garlic with onion and Serrano pepper. Mix well with seasonings and cheese.

4. In a separate bowl beat two eggs together. Add egg mixture to squash mixture until it is entirely incorporated together. Set in refrigerator to cool and combine for 5-10 minutes

5. Take cupcake pan and warm in the oven while mixture cools.

6. Mixture makes 6-8 mini quiches, add to each cup (mixture will be a little soupy)

7. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

8. Enjoy.

Bonus Recipe**

Pop Overs

Ingredients 1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus softened butter for greasing pans 1 1/2 cups flour 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 3 extra-large eggs, at room temperature 1 1/2 cups milk, at room temperature Chive and basil

1) Pre heat oven 425 degrees

2) Add all ingredients minus the butter into a blender and blend until batter is thin and bubbly (should resemble crepe batter).

3) Once oven is pre heated add cupcake tin to warm

4) Melt butter in microwave. Add half of the mixture to blender with remaining batter once cooled and blender for several pulses. Take remaining butter and coat each tin fully to prevent sticking.

5) Fill 10-12 compartments a little over halfway full to allow batter to rise. Place in oven for 30 minutes. **It's very important you do not open the oven prior to the 30 minutes or the mixture may deflate**

6) Pop Over’s should fall out of tin. Enjoy with butter or Jam of choice.



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